Advice to companies and entrepreneurs

Logotipo secundario, en blanco, de Janus Management

Other business operations in which we have intervened

Más logros en otras operaciones empresariales de éxito por Janus Management

We list some examples of advised other business operations that we have carried out in our journey:

Sale of a company in the road signage sector to a management team, financed by private investors”

Sale of a retail company in the computer sector and accessories to an American multinational listed on the Nasdaq”

Separation of family branches from a patrimonial and construction group”

Sale of a road freight transport company to a management team supported by financial institutions”

Sale of training facilities owned by a financial institution to a group specialized in teaching”

International venture capital entry in a Spanish frit and glaze company”

Separation of partners, change of production facilities and search for a commercial partner of reference for a food group”

Sale of assets in a textile group”

Sale of assets of a tile group”

Separation of partners in a group of tile auxiliary material”

Entry of private partners in a photovoltaic plant installation company”

Separation of partners in a citrus group”

Separation of partners in a maintenance services company for the energy industry”