Our professional services include carrying out different types of audits:
The objective of these audits is to verify that the internal control systems established by the company are fulfilled while being effective and efficient.

It consists of verifying that the financial statements of the entity (company, cooperative, foundation, etc.) express the faithful image of the financial, patrimonial and economic situation in accordance with current regulations.
We carry out complete or specific audits of financial statements for the purchase or sale of companies.
Audit for subsidy files for:
- Foundations.
- Public Universities.
- Chambers of Commerce.
- Public Entities.
- Private companies.
The objective of these audits is to verify that the internal control systems established by the company are complied with, thus reducing the risk of significant errors and irregularities. These types of services represent a continuous improvement for the management of our clients.
They seek to measure the effectiveness or efficiency of the administrative, accounting and/or financial departments of our clients. We carry out specific reviews at the request of management on customers, suppliers, treasury, warehouses, physical inventories, etc.
The legal audit requirements in certain circumstances (capital increases and reductions, issuance of convertible bonds, share valuation, mergers and spin-offs) represent a necessary requirement for the development of these operations. Our professionalism and ability to adapt to the client allow us to perform these services with total security and guarantee, covering the requirements of our clients in a timely manner.
Completion of expert reports and independent expert reports on accounting and economic-financial matters.